Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It's Been a Long, Long Time

A friend responded to a recent email and wrote one of the nicest things any amateur writer could hear - that I should consider blogging. 

Obviously, my musings on all sorts of subjects did not result in my being discovered as a brilliant voice in a sea of mediocrity.  I didn't even make it to mediocrity.  I went back to look at some of my old posts.  Some are bad.  Some are vain.  Some are poorly written.  On the other hand, some of them weren't half bad. 

The last couple of years have been complicated, frustrating and even extremely dangerous.  I stopped because I simply couldn't do much of anything except work to eat and work hard at other things in order to live.  I have learned so much in the last couple of years.  I began to wonder whether I should take an hour or two each week to offer some opinions, suggestions and questions to think about.  Given a few more important experiences, maybe I could help someone.  I have no idea but it poses little threat of doing any harm to others or myself.

If you care, visit the site when you have a minute.  Be brutally honest.  I can handle it.

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