Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Making Space for Real Issues

Although it seems almost impossible, there is a finite amount of time and bandwith to transmit all of the important information necessary to be a fully informed citizen. That means that there are important stories and ideas that just don't make it because they are drowned out by more commercially gripping garbage. I propose that we encourage all news and entertainment outlets to place a 90 day moratorium on anything having to do with:

1. The woman who just had octuplets
2. Bristol Palin’s motherhood
3. Installing granite countertops to help sell your house
4. Britney Spears and any other person who is famous primarily for being famous
5. Self-satisfied, often misinformed television political pundits

(This is by no means an exhaustive list. I invite others to add to mine so we can be as clear and comprehensive as possible on what we don't need to know about.)

If we all contributed $1 a year, we could come up with $300 million to start a second public television channel that would be exclusively devoted to subjects that we really need to know about. If you have ever surfed your 1000 cable channels, there isn't one yet.


Robert said...

Bravo! Let me know where to send my dollar, which I will happily part with, even though it is dear.

And to your list, I would add:

1. The past, present and/or future location of the rifles in the home of New York’s newest senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, and any other irrelevant information about her, or any of our other public servants.
2. Any further crap regarding the Michael Phelps marijuana “scandal”. Perhaps we could instead explore why he is held to a higher standard than even the most recent president of the United States. And to those who care so deeply: you’re no more likely to win a slew of gold medals than you are to work in the White House.
3. Anything at all that has anything to do with American Idol, and the rest of the crop of mind numbing “reality” shows which celebrate our culture’s mediocrity.

While my list could go on, please excuse me while I go remove the bee from my bonnet…

David H. said...

Could the chances of lake effect snow in Oswego, NY make the list since the chances are always 100%?